If I were a level design in the 1980s, I would have the technology limitation of limited memory, limited number of sound nodes that can be made, limited processing power, small screen and programming tool limitation. The type of game I would develop if I was back than is puzzle game e.g. guess the number, vital gambling game like bet on which colour card will pop out next, vital share buy sell game, dodge the rocks.
The game I chooses to analysis the level and environment design are Missile Command 1980, StarCraft 1998, Tomb Raider Legend 2006
Missile Command 1980
Level – the level design in a way that the player have 6 structure to defend (so the player will not die that easy) and a limited amount of missile to uses to destroy the incoming missile (to increase the difficulty). As the level increases, the more incoming missiles raining down the screen
Environment – the game play is set in the moon with guns, structure need defending and the moon surface at the bottom of the screen and missile coming from the top of the screen
StarCraft 1998
Level – the level request the player to defend the town for certain amount of time (increase difficulty) before drop ship arrive to pick them up. The player can build defence structure at the 2 opening and on top of the town building (increase the chances of winning) with resource limitation (increase difficulty). As time goes by, more and more zerg forces are flooding from the top of the screen (increase difficulty).
Environment – set in some planet where the player's base and the human town is at the bottom of the map. At the edge of the town, there is 2 opening.
Tomb Raider Legend 2006
Level – The level design in are way that Lara encounters couple of obstacles (how to defend and attack successfully against people or animals with weapon) and puzzles (how to get in or out from one places to another) until she meets the big boss. The player will encounter a small puzzle in the beginning, a big puzzle in the middle, another small puzzle, then the big boss. This design increases the player's intensity when the player play through the level.
Environment – It is set in Tokoyo, in a city where there is 7 scene (Dance floor, roof, Sky scraper, Takamoto's Building, Takamoto's Home.
In the conclusion, the design of games in the beginning is simple. As time goes on, the design of games gets more complicated with more stuff added to it.
The games and the game genre I choose to analysis are Tales of Monkey Island (role playing game), Company of Hero (Strategy game), StockWatch (Web bower Economy game).
In conclusion, the level and environment design for different game genre could be the same for setting and goal but different for puzzles and risk reward system because the game genre defines how the game is played.